In November 2010 Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH (KF) has won the highly competitive, international tender to conduct the project “Renewable Energies: Optimisation of Biomass Utilisation” in PR China. The project has been tendered by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (gtz) mbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).By winning this tender Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH has managed to enter the biogas market of Asia’s biggest country after the initial access to Asia has taken place 10 years ago in Japan. KF’s task in the current project is to raise the technical level of Chinese biogas plants to European standards. For the next three years a constant flow of information between China and Germany will take place to achieve this task.For conducting the project KF has teamed up with the Chinas leading Biogas Company, the engineering office Hangzhou Energy & Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. (HEEE). Within the scope of this project the team will provide engineering support for the design of several mid- and large-scale biogas projects. Additionally the team shall supervise the construction and support start-up and operation to prove the feasibility of such large-scale projects in China.The biogas plants will be built as Sino-German cooperation projects which shall be financed within the frame of Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Agro Waste Project II. Locations for those cooperation projects have been determined by GTZ’s Biomass Project.By conducting this project Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH has expanded its course of expansion in the international biogas business. Last but not least this project consolidates KF’s role as the world wide leading engineering firm for biogas plants.
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