Towards the end of the year 2016 contracts were signed between our engineering office Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure GmbH and Biomass Crop S.A. from Argentina. The order includes the planning and building of an industrial bio waste digestion plant (Rio Cuarto 2) which is to be fed with so called “Vinasse” (distillation residue) – a residual material from ethanol production out of corn. The second order includes the extension of the agricultural biogas plant in Argentina (Rio Cuarto) which we already built in 2013. This plant is to be fed with corn silage and manure.90 % of Argentina’s energy demand is covered through fossil fuels. However, through the strongly developed biomass fuel sector this branch of industry shows high potential for the energy recovery of residual materials. Biomass fuel plant’s waste products become substrates for biogas plants (energy and heat generation in cogeneration), representing a further step in the value added chain and consequently in the reduction of the dependence from natural gas imports.
Biogas from bio waste in Argentina – two new orders